6-9 monthsBabiesBreakfastMeal TypeRecipesWeaning Recipes

Ragi Porridge for Babies

Ragi Porridge

Serve your little ones Ragi Porridge for breakfast or as a snack. Super easy to make, and super nutritious too.

Btw, did you know Ragi has 10 times more calcium than rice or wheat? It’s that cool.

So, what does our porridge mix contain?

  1. Organic Sprouted Ragi/Naachni
  2. Carrots that are dried and powdered
  3. Dates
  4. Makhana or Lotus Seeds
  5. Almonds
  6. Cardamom

And nothing else. No added sugar, salt, milk powder, thickeners, artificial flavours etc.

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Shalini Santhosh

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