About Us

How it all started?

My son was about 5 months and I was beginning to think about introducing solids. I wanted something traditional & healthy yet quick & easy to make at home. But to my surprise I found most of the foods available were filled with excess sugar, maltodextrin, milk powder, artificial flavors, colors etc.

I decided to never feed my son these boxes of food. But was that a good solution? What about other babies who were eating them because their parents had no other option or were not aware of the harmful effects of these additives?

This very thought triggered me to think of bringing back traditional baby food recipes that were made just like how our grandmas made it for us!

My co-founder! My Mom

Of course, I did not create Early Foods all by myself. My mother was my pillar of strength. Right from deciding the best recipes, to physically working out how to soak, sprout, roast, and create a final recipe –she has been there.

As Early Foods grew, she became my co-founder, managing the staff, new recruitment, procuring high quality ingredients, improvising the production, and also sharing jokes with all our staff, etc.

She was about 60+ when she helped start Early Foods. I am her only child, but today with Early Foods she tells me she has 25+ children to take care of. And you know what, sometimes in our arguments she always supports our staff more than me 😛

Our food ethics

“Food technologists used to tell me to add “glucose syrup”, it makes the biscuit crunchier and sweeter at a cheaper price. Add raising agents, you will get 20 cookies instead of 10 for the same pack! Oh, Common Add a little bit of Maida, it will make the cookies cheaper and you’ll get more volume.” So on.. And if I did so, I could never feed these food products to my son. So how could I confidently tell other moms to feed their kids?

This exact clarity of thought helped us innovate snack recipes that no one could commercially make. But Early Foods did ?and I am so proud of our recipes that I happily feed my son & your kids too.