9-12 monthsBabiesLunchMeal TypeRecipesSnacksWeaning Recipes

Mixed Beans Sundal

Mixed beans are extremely rich in protein. The best part about them is they are big, easy to hold and become perfect finger foods for kids. Can be served as a snack after breakfast or early evenings.

1.Soya bean – 1/4th cup

2.Black Chana – 1/4th cup

3.Red kidney beans -1/4th cup

4.Black eyed peas – 1/4th cup

5.Grated coconut – 1/4th cup

6.Mustard Seeds – 1/4th tsp

7.Urad dal – ½ tsp

8.Pinch of hing

9.Salt -3/4 tsp

10.Grated ginger – 1 tsp

11.Red chilli – 1

12.Curry leaves – 1 string


Method of Preparation

1.Add mixed beans to the bowl and soak in water overnight

2.Once soaked, add 2 cups of water to it

3.Pressure cook mixed beans for 3 whistles

4.Add 2tsp oil to the preheated pan

5.To this add mustard seeds, urad dal, hing, ginger, red chilli & curry leaves

6.Fry for 2 minutes

7.Now add the cooked mixed beans, salt to this tempering

8.Fry them all for a few minutes

9.Switch off the flame and add the grated coconut

10.Mix well & serve

Important note: You need soak the beans for 10-12 hours to ensure it is easily digested by your baby & kids.

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Shalini Santhosh

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