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Buttermilk Recipe with Curry Leaves | Best Summer Foods

Buttermilk curry leaves cooler

Summer recipe to add more calcium to your kids meals? A simple recipe using curry leaves. Curry leaves has almost 800-900mg of calcium per 100g which is almost 8-9x more than milk. Benefits of buttermilk are many! It acts as a natural cooler for the body & is very refreshing & healthy

Instead of popping a calcium supplement, our grandparents would use this simple buttermilk recipe to keep themselves strong.

So here is the recipe –

Ingredients :
1. A bowl full of fresh homemade curd
2. 4-5 glasses of water
3. Handful of fresh curry leaves
4. Few black pepper
5. 1/2 Tsp Jeera
6. Salt to taste

Method Of Preparation:
1. Dry Roast the Jeera, Pepper & curry leaves for 2 mins.
2. Make into a fine powder
3. Add the curry leaves powder to butter milk
4. Mix well and drink up.

The powder is fine enough that your kids wont find them sticking to the tongue.
Use fresh curry leaves and make your homemade curd for a super yummy taste.

Hope you enjoyed it!

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Shalini Santhosh

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