BirthdaysOccasionRecipesSweetTots & Kids Recipes (Over 1 Year)

Vegan Watermelon Ice-cream

Vegan Watermelon Ice-cream with Almond Milk for kids

Refreshing homemade vegan icrecream for kids using watermelons, almond/coconut milk and honey. If your baby is allergic to milk then this is an amazing recipe for you since we are using only plant based milks.

Also, since we don’t add sugar, make sure you use really sweet watermelons. Or you can add 4-5 Tsp of sugar if you really want it more sweet too.

Age: 1 Year & above.

The recipe has almond milk in a significant qty, so you want to ensure your baby is able to digest them well.

3 ingredients

  • Watermelons
  • Fresh Almond/Coconut Milk
  • Honey/Sugar (optional)


1.Just grind deseeded frozen watermelon, almond milk (or coconut milk) and honey together. Grind till smooth. Transfer to a freezer safe box.

2.Freeze for 2 hours

3.Pulse after 2 hours in the grinder to remove ice crystals

4.Add watermelon chunks &again freeze for 4 hours

5.Remove from frezer, and enjoy guilt free.

This vegan watermelon ice-cream will not be as creamy as the regular ones, but it is definitely a refreshing dessert for this hot summer season

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Shalini Santhosh

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