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Sugar Free Almond Jaggery Halwa

Almond Jaggery Halwa
Sugar-free Almond Jaggery Halwa for kids and you. Such a yummy & healthy dessert that we promise kids will lick them off the bowls you serve them 🙂
This recipe is for children above the age of 12 months. In case you want to feed younger kids, add Early Foods dates powder to sweeten it naturally.
-Almonds -1/2 cup
-Jaggery Powder – ¼ cup
-Milk -1/2 cup
-Ghee – 3 tbsp
-Cardamom powder – 1/4th tsp
-Pinch of saffron
Method of preparation
1. Soak almonds in hot water for 20 mins
2. After 20 mins, it should peel off easily
3. Add peeled almonds to the grinder and blend to powder
4. Add milk to this mixture
5. Grind the almond coarsely
6. Heat a pan on medium flame
7. Add ghee to the pan
8. Add the almond paste
9. Stir well until the ghee is totally absorbed into the halwa
10. Add saffron & cardamom powder. Mix in jaggery powder
11. Stir until the halwa thickens. It takes a few minutes
Sugar-free Almond Jaggery Halwa is ready to be served!
Do let us know how you and your baby liked the recipe.

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Also, check out our millet-based product range here

Shalini Santhosh

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