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Ragi Kheer

Ragi kheer

Ragi kheer – a sweet prepartion with a lot of health benefits. Ragi or Nachni is one millet you can give daily to your child since its so high in calcium. 10x more calcium than rice or wheat. Please try to include it in daily meals for your kids until the age of 5.

Ingredients to make ragi kheer:


  1. Add 1 tsp ghee to the hot kadhai (not alumnium or non-stick)
  2. Add agi flour and let it roast for 3-4 mins
  3. Pour  water and let it cook for 5 mins
  4. Mix coconut milk to it and switch off the flame. Cover and let it cook in the heat if the porridge.
    Ragi tends to get sticky if you cook it only with milk. Hence add milk only when it’s cooked with water.
  5. Add jaggery Powder to the mixture.
  6. Add chopped almonds or dry fruit powder, cardamom powder and a pinch of salt.
  7. Adjust the consistency as per the child’s demands.                                           Serve warm.

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Shalini Santhosh

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