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Diwali Dawai

Diwali Dawai
Over did the Diwali Sweets! Ha ha, even we did..! The yummy sweets & delicacies are too irresistable right..But it leads to gas & bloating and constipation for a few too, especially for kids.

We got you covered. Start your day with one teaspoon of this traditional homemade ‘Diwali Dawai/Diwali Leghiyam/Marundhu’ recipe and get rid of unwanted flatulence, gas, bloating. This marandhu/medicine aids digestion and can be consumed throughout the year and is helpful during cold & cough too!

Ingredients –
– 5-6 tbsps Dry Ginger powder/ Sukku powder
– 2 Sitharathai sticks (Optional)
– 1 1/2 tbsps Kandathippili (Optional)
– 5-6 tbsps Caraway seeds (Ajwain)
– 1 1/2 tbsps Arisi Thippli (Optional)
– 2 tsp Coriander Seeds
– 1 tsp Black Peppercorns
– 2 inch fresh ginger finely chopped
– 1 tsp Cumin Seeds
– 4-5tbsps Ghee
– 1 1/2cups Jaggery powdered
– 3-4tbsps Honey
– 1/2cup Water
Method Of Preparation-

– In a blender add freshly chopped ginger, dry ginger powder and grind it into a paste using very little water and keep aside

– In a kadhai, dry roast ajwain, sitharathai, kandathippili, arsi thippli, pepper, coriander seeds, cumin seeds for a few minutes well.

– Grind all the roasted ingredients to a fine powder in a mixer

– Grind again by mixing ginger paste & dry ginger powder

– In a kadhai, add the jaggery and water. Bring to a boil till the jaggery melts. Strain to remove any impurities

– In a kadhai, add the jaggery syrup, the ground powder, ghee.

– Simmer for 15 minutes, till it becomes thick-similar to halwa consistency. At this stage, it doesn’t stick to the kadhai.Remove from flame

– At this stage, add honey. And mix for another 2-3 minutes.

– Allow to cool.

This can be stored in a clean, dry container


The Diwali Dawai/ Leghiyam/ Marundhu can be stored for 2-3 months & can be consumed in small proportions after meals for better digestion.

Do give these a try. And do not forget to tag us when you make them for your family

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For milet based organic cookies, health mixes & sweetners, do check out the Early Foods range on our website

Shalini Santhosh

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