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Raw Green Banana Curry| Weight Gain

Raw Banana Fry

Raw Green Banana for Toddlers & Kids – A quick recipe & its benefits

Raw Green Banana’s taste a little like potatoes, so nothing to be scared off. They cook super quick, no need of a pressure cooker too. Recipe can be made under 10 minutes for your kids & family

Benefits of feeding Raw Green Banana to kids:
1. The short chain fatty acids help absorb other nutrients like calcium better
2. Very high fibre content, so good for kids with constipation
3. It’s a great food for the good gut bacteria, so indirectly keeping us stronger & protected too
4. Finally & the most important benefit is that it is really yummy to eat 😛

Quick Recipe:
1. Raw Green Bananas – 2-3
2. Grated Coconut 1 cup
3. Urad Dal – 1/2 Tsp
4. Curry Leaves – Handful & chopped
5. Green Chilli – 1
6. Cold pressed oil (any) – 2 tbs
7. Pepper & Turmeric
8. Mustard & Jeera for seasoning

How to make:
1. Peel & chop the bananas into small pieces
2. Take a broad pan, add oil, temper with mustard, jeera, curry leaves,urad dal & chilli. Saute for 2 minutes on a medium fame, dont let it smoke
3. Now add the green bananas, 50ml of water. Mix and let it cook on a low flame for 10 minutes.
4. After 10 mins, check if these are soft and can be pressed by hand.
5. Add fresh grated coconut on top, mix well & serve

This dish goes well with Sambhar Rice or Curd rice. You can cook the millets like little millet or kodo millet like rice and enjoy the dish with them.

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Shalini Santhosh

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