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Little Millet Khichdi For Babies

Little Millet Khichdi

Little Millet Khichdi recipe for 8+ months babies. The soft small grainy texture helps the baby to start learning to chew and bite from the age of 8 months.
Little Millet is like soft mashed rice once cooked, but is far far more nutritious than rice – more fibre, more protein, more minerals and more good fats.

So lets see how to make them 🙂

1. Little Millet – Soaked in water for 4-5 hours. Helps baby to digest it easily
2. Groundnuts – Soaked in water overnight. Almost becomes a sprout, full of life and also makes it soft and easy to chew.
3. Pepper powder
4. Salt (optional and as per taste)
5. Jeera
6. Cold pressed oil (any)
7. Green Chilli (optional, as per taste)

1. Ensure to soak both the little millet & groundnut and then use it for cooking
2. Take a broad bowl. Add soaked little millet and water enough to cook it for 15-20 minutes on a medium flame.
3. Add more water if required if it becomes too thick
4. Add salt
5. Prepare for tempering in another small bowl. Heat oil just hot enough, don’t let it smoke or become too hot. Add pepper powder, jeera, green chillies and the soaked groundnuts.
6. Add this seasoning to the khichdi and mix well.

Note: You can add pumpkin, potatoes too to make the little millet khichdi colourful and more flavourful.

Feed it warm to your little babies.

For more khichdi recipes, follow our blog 

For other healthy and organic food products for your precious little ones, click here.

Shalini Santhosh

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