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Ragi Pancakes with Coconut Milk

Ragi Pancake

Ragi Pancakes with Coconut Milk -If your kids don’t like the liquid texture of a porridge, then try making soft dosa or pancakes.

Ragi or Naachni is very high on calcium hence make the most suited & recommended ingredient for kids to help in bone development.

Have these pancakes salty or sweet as per the taste of your child.

Age: 8 months & above. We use dry fruit powder in the recipe, hence it is advised to give it after 8  months

Ingredients :
–  4 tbsp Ragi flour (You can use the Sprouted Ragi Porridge Mix from Early Foods)
– 1/2 cup fresh coconut milk
– 1 tsp flaxseed (this gives a good binding)1 tsp dry-fruits powder (Try Early Foods Dry Fruit powder)
– 2 tbsp butter/ghee
– A pinch of salt

Method :
1. Mix all the dry ingredients in a bowl andadd the coconut milk in the end.
2. Mix well to remove all lumps.
3. Set the batter aside for 20 minutes.
4. On a hot pan add oil evenly to cover thesurface. Then pour out small circle shaped batter on the pan and let each sidecook for about 5 minutes.
5. Ta-da! Ragi Pancakes with Coconut Milk is ready to be served!

Serve with a favorite gravy for your child. For more recipes, subscribe to us at Early Foods Blog

Shalini Santhosh

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