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Sesame Cashew Dip for kids

Sesame seeds are extremely rich in Calcium. They have more calcium in 1 Tsp of seeds compared to one glass of milk! So for all those parents worried about their children’s milk intake, substitute milk for sesame rich foods such as this cashew sesame dip

We are adding cashew to reduce the strong flavour of sesame or til seeds for children.

Try this healthy & quick cashew sesame sauce or dip with chips, crackers, on bread or chapati.


White Sesame Seeds – 1/4th cup

Cashews – 1/4th cup

Grated Ginger – ½ tsp

Sesame Oil – 2tbsp

Lime juice – 2tbsp

Water – 1/4th cup

Roasted Cumin seeds – ½ tsp

Roasted coriander seeds – ½ tsp

Honey – ½ tsp

Chilli Powder – ¼ tsp


Method Of Preparation

Soak Cashew for 30 mins

Grind coriander & cumin seeds

Separately dry grind sesame seeds

Add sesame oil to the powdered sesame

Grind for 1 minute

Add cashews, grated ginger to the sesame mix & grind again

Next add the ground coriander – cumin powder & lime juice, chilli powder, honey.

Add water & grind everything until mixture forms a thick smooth paste

Sesame cashew dip is ready to serve

Hope you liked this recipe.

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Shalini Santhosh

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